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ALM 3.3.3 Released
The newest ALM adds
client-requested features.
Order your upgrade now. Clients with support services qualify for free upgrades.
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New versions of our Safe Work Permits courses have been released.
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Welcome to Aware!

ImageAware Learning Technologies is a leading developer of Computer-Based Training for Health & Safety.  Our CBT courses are used by hundreds of major clients across Canada. Why?  Because we make health & safety training products that are:

  • cost-effective,
  • simple to administer,
  • easy-to-use and
  • able to improve workers ability to learn & retain information

Employers use our products for health & safety training because the cost-benefit of our computer based training (CBT) is immense.  CBT can be a low-hassle, low-maintenance way of doing training!  Costs can be  for as low as $6-9 per student (per year), compared to $ 60-90 per person spent on contracted classroom training.

ALM 3.3 Released
Version 3.3.3 of the Aware Learning Manager is now released and shipping.

This version adds a number of client-requested features:

  1. Ability to print wallet-size and colour certificates
  2. Integrated license management utility
  3. New student management abilities
  4. New One-CD install

Clients on Support & Maintenance agreements are entitled to FREE updates to the new version.  Clients who have not yet received notification of this update may contact our technical support to obtain their new version.