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Lift Truck Safety PDF Print E-mail

A thorough understanding of lift truck operation reduces hazards and ensures a safer, more productive workplace.

ImageLift Truck Safety, a computer-based training program created by Aware Learning Technologies, provides an introduction to the theory relating to safe lift truck operation. It should be completed prior to attempting a practical driving test.

Using a straightforward presentation style, Lift Truck Safety identifies and describes common lift truck types including pallet or walkie, reach or narrow aisle and counterbalanced. This training program explains how to complete a lift truck inspection before each shift; how to recognize, assess and control common hazards; how to follow safe work practices; and how to recognize factors affecting the truck's load and stability.

ift Truck Safety also addresses the roles, responsibilities and rights of the employee, supervisor and employer.

Our Competitive Advantage

Lift Truck Safety was developed by Aware's education and training experts in conjunction with Ontario's Industrial Accident Prevention Association.

Lift Truck Safety applies a scenario-based learning approach. After completing a portion of the course, the learner is presented with a practical example. The learner must then interpret and apply the concepts learned by choosing the most appropriate course of action for the situation.
Also included are Aware's full range of easy-to-use features including audio/visual assistance, coaching, interactive exercises and a glossary.