Many organizations have common learning and training needs. We have developed an Aware Courseware product library — interactive learning and training software that teaches industry procedures and can be used by a wide variety of industries and organizations. Aware has an extensive library of occupational health and safety software compliant for the United States and Canada. Aware Learning Technologies integrates course content and computer technology to create computer-based training products. The result is network-operable, interactive learning solutions that educate and train individuals, effectively helping them learn new information, processes, and procedures. The Aware Learning product line consists of a dozen standard courses and a wider range of courses which have been customized for customers across Canada. If you don't see what you need, call us anyway ... we might just have what you need, available as a non-retail course.
Our products are designed so that user do not need to be computer literate. All interaction with the computer is done with the mouse only, and no keyboarding is required other than to log in. Assured QualityWe recognize that quality content is a key component of effective CBT. Aware products are developed by education and training experts. These experts consult with industry professionals to ensure course content meets industry needs and standards. Course content is also regularly updated, keeping it timely and relevant. Our course development and delivery maximizes learning, benefiting both organizations and learners. Accelerated LearningIn addition to quality content, Aware CBT products offer time and cost-savings. Aware products reduce learning time by up to 75 percent, enabling learners to more quickly assimilate and apply their new knowledge. These highly effective learning tools also increase retention by reinforcing key concepts. And, after mastering one Aware course, a learner can easily complete another because of the similar format and design.