Aware's health & safety courses are designed in a user-friendly and network-friendly model which makes the courses easy-to-use by employees, and easy to administer on your PC's or local area network.
- Content in broken into modular blocks that can be taken in the order preferred by the employee. The Modules & Topics allow employees to focus on the areas of most interest or need to them.
- Employees do not have to be computer-literate and do not need to use the keyboard after logging in. Typing is required only for the username and password at login time.
- We use a variety of interactive learning tools that require employees to interact with the content, and we do not use motion video. Our interactive learning 'widgets' improve the learning experience for employees, and increase comprehension, learning and retention with a technology approach that will not bog down your networks. Many clients use our products at remote sites with dial-up and across wide-area networks!
- All interactions with the courses are logged in our student tracking system and that data can be used for audit and compliance purposes.
- Courses include a built-in customization option (called "Our Site") that allows clients to add their own 'tag-along' content to pages in the courses. Tag-along information screens can be marked as mandatory to ensure that all students are viewed them when taking the course.
- All courses share the same look, feel, navigation tools and use similar interactive learning widgets. This reduces the learning curve for employees and students.
Please contact us to learn more about our courses or check out the course-specific pages in this section.